UK Association of Infant Mental Health (AIMH) National Conference
‘Mentalizing in the Time of COVID-19: Restoring Our Ability to Think About Babies
Program Location
Program Date
27th november 2020
10:00-13:00 (GMT)
Program Presenter
Peter Fonagy, Professor Jane Barlow, Assistant Professor Dana Shai and Tessa Baradon
Program Objectives
This conference will provide attendees with the opportunity to reflect on the traumatizing effects of the recent COVID-19 pandemic on parents and infants, and the importance of a mentalizing stance, to enable families to recover.
The programme will address the following issues:
the ways in which pregnant women and parents of young babies were traumatized by the pandemic
in which the pandemic affected the ability of practitioners to maintain a mentalizing stance, and thereby to support the mentalizing capacity of parents.
what the concepts of mentalization/reflective functioning and embodied mentalization have to offer in terms of helping infant mental health practitioners to address the trauma in babies and children that may have resulted from the pandemic.
what ‘effective’ frontline methods of working with parents and babies during the pandemic involved, and how to restore the capacity of traumatized families for reflective functioning.
Program Host
uk Association of Infant Mental Health (AIMH)
AIMH is a UK Registered Charity with the objectives to advance knowledge for the public benefit in the field of infant mental health by:
educating healthcare professionals, practitioners, policy-makers and the general public through strategic discussion, workshops, conferences and a website.
developing and providing provision of resources for practitioners and parents.
advocating for the infant’s needs across both statutory and non-statutory sectors in the UK.
Who Should Attend
This training is suitable for professionals working with young children and their families including: Psychologists, Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, Home Visitors, Family Support Workers, Outreach Workers, Nursery Staff, Behavior Support specialists, and anyone providing parenting education and/or counseling to parents of young children.
Program Cost